Bird Details
American Coot
Color: Gray
Size: 15.5"
Season: Year-round
Description: Round, dark gray body with a white, chicken-like bill. Adults have a small red frontal shield at the base of the bill. Compared to other rails, this species is not secretive; it is often observed floating on open water, behaving like more like a duck than a rail.
Voice: Tooting sounds like a trumpet and clucking notes.
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Habitat: Wetlands with a mix of emergent vegetation and deep, open water, as well as lakes and reservoirs.
Interesting Fact: In the winter, flocks of hundreds to over a thousand American Coots may be observed throughout the state. During the breeding season most birds migrate north, but some stay to breed, primarily in eastern Arkansas.
Scientific name: Fulica americana
Order: Gruiformes
Family: Rallidae

Howard Eskin

Adult, note lobed toes
Howard Eskin

Nest with eggs and young
Amanda Griffin

Adult and young
Bob Smith

In flight
Ron Howard
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