Bird Details
Color: Brown, White
Size: 10.5"
Season: Year-round
Description: The two black bands on the breast separate this species from other plovers, as does the orange patch on the top of the long tail.
Voice: A persistent repeated kill-dee.
Click here to listen
Habitat: Frequents open areas, especially sandbars, mudflats, heavily grazed pastures, and such human-modified habitats as cultivated fields, athletic fields, airports, golf courses, graveled or broken-asphalt parking lots, and graveled rooftops.
Interesting Fact: If a predator comes too close to the nest the adult will lead it away using a broken wing display. The adult drags one wing on the ground and makes a lot of noise. The predator thinks it has found an easy meal and follows the bird. Once the predator has been led far from the nest the bird recovers and flies away.
Scientific name: Charadrius vociferus
Order: Charadriiformes
Family: Charadriidae

Ryan Brady

Adult giving broken-wing distraction display
Robert Herron

Nest and eggs
Dan Scheiman

Robert Herron
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