Bird Details
Wood Duck
Color: Blue, Brown, Green, Yellow
Size: 18.5"
Season: Year-round
Description: The multicolored male is distinctive with a green crest, yellow sides, blue patch on the wing, and orange bill. The female is mostly drab brown but has a white teardrop around the eye.
Voice: Females give a nasal ooEEK ooEEK. Males give a high-pitched rising whistled jeweeep.
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Habitat: Wooded wetlands such as streams, sloughs and cypress-tupelo swamp.
Interesting Fact: When young Wood Ducks are ready to leave the nest they jump out of the tree and fall to the ground without injury.
Scientific name: Aix sponsa
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae

Dave Herr

Ben Meadors

Female on the nest in a nest box
Bob Olson

Nest and eggs in a nest box
Bob Olson

Immature male
Larry Jernigan
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