Bird Details
Color: Brown
Size: 12"
Season: Summer
Description: Nocturnal; rarely seen at night in flight. May be seen sitting on the road just after sunset or just after sunrise. Light reflected by car headlights (eye-shine) is red-orange. Cryptically colored in grays and browns; hard to see when sleeping on the forest floor.
Voice: A loud, persistent chuck WILLS WID ow with emphasis on the second and third syllables. The chuck may be inaudible at long distance.
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Habitat: Hardwood, pine, oak-hickory, and mixed forests.
Interesting Fact: Chuck-wills-widows, Common Nighthawks and other nightjars are also known as goatsuckers because of the mistaken ancient belief that they suck milk from goats at night. When these birds associate with livestock it is to eat insects stirred up by the animals.
Scientific name: Caprimulgus carolinensis
Order: Caprimulgiformes
Family: Caprimulgidae

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