Bird Details
Downy Woodpecker
Color: Black, White
Size: 6.75"
Season: Year-round
Description: Male and female have black wings with white spots, a white breast and belly, and black and white on the head. Male has a small red patch on the back of the head. You can distinguish the Downy Woodpecker from the Hairy Woodpecker by its overall smaller body size and proportionally shorter bill, which is half the length of its head.
Voice: A descending whinny. The call is a high-pitched pick.
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Habitat: Variety of habitats, including woodland farms and suburbs.
Interesting Fact: Male woodpeckers don't sing. Instead, they hammer on hollow wood with their bills to attract females and defend their territories. Sometimes they'll hammer at drain pipes, television antennae and anything else that will produce a loud sound.
Scientific name: Picoides pubescens
Order: Piciformes
Family: Picidae

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