Bird Details
Eastern Kingbird
Color: Gray, White
Size: 8.5"
Season: Summer
Description: Dark above and white below. The head and tail are darker than the back. Note the white tail tip.
Voice: Buzzy sputtering notes ending in an emphatic descending kdik kdik kdik PIKa PIKa PIKa kzeeer.
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Habitat: Fields with scattered trees and shrubs, orchards, and woodland edges.
Interesting Fact: Eastern Kingbirds and other flycatchers feed using a technique called sallying. They dart out from a perch to catch an insect on the wing or on the ground and then fly back to the same perch.
Scientific name: Tyrannus tyrannus
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Tyrannidae

Howard Eskin

Adult feeding nestlings
Clint Sowards
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