Bird Details
Loggerhead Shrike
Color: Gray
Size: 9"
Season: Year-round
Description: A gray bird with black mask, wings, and tail. Also note the stout, hooked bill.
Voice: A series of sharp mechanical phrase including trills, buzzy notes, and scolding sounds.
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Habitat: Open country such as roadsides, agricultural fields, and forest clearings.
Interesting Fact: Shrikes are predatory birds. They have hooked beaks like falcons, but they don't have strong raptor feet and talons for holding their prey. Instead, they impale insects, birds and small mammals on sharp objects like thorns and barbed wire to keep them steady while they eat. This has given rise to the colloquial name butcherbird.
Scientific name: Lanius ludovicianus
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Laniidae

Robert Herron

Nest and eggs
Christy Cheyne

Adult eating an impaled mouse
Kathy Radomski
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