Bird Details
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Color: Blue, Gray
Size: 4.5"
Season: Summer
Description: Tiny, blue-gray overall. The tail is black above with white outer tail feathers.
Voice: Song is a jumble of high wheezy whistles, chips, and mews, like a tiny Gray Catbird. The call note, a persistent, thin whiney zeee, is heard more often than the song.
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Habitat: Riparian forest, cypress-tupelo swamp, upland hardwood forest, and pine flatwoods with an oak understory.
Interesting Fact: The Blue-gray Gnatcatcher often spreads it white outer tail feathers when foraging, possibly to scare insects out of hiding.
Scientific name: Polioptila caerulea
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Sylviidae

Howard Eskin

Howard Eskin

Delos McCauley

Young in the nest
Delos McCauley

Female on nest
Delos McCauley
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