Bird Details
European Starling
Color: Black
Size: 8.5"
Season: Year-round
Description: A glossy black bird in summer with a short tail and a yellow bill. In winter, birds have large white spots across the body and a blackish bill.
Voice: Variable song of sliding whistles and high, thin squeals, often imitating other birds. One note sounds like bob-WHITE.
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Habitat: Seen most often in suburbs and cities. Often gathers in large flocks.
Interesting Fact: A group that wanted all the species in William Shakespeare's works to be introduced to America released about 100 European Starlings in New York City's Central Park in the late 1800s. They now number in the hundreds of millions in the United States and are considered nuisance animals.
Scientific name: Sturnus vulgaris
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Sturnidae

Adult winter plumage
Robert Herron

Adult breeding plumage
Nick Anich

Adult winter plumage
Ron Howard
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