Bird Details
Cedar Waxwing
Color: Brown
Size: 7.25"
Season: Year-round
Description: Yellowish-brown, crested, with a black mask. Tail and wings are gray with red, waxy tips on the wings (not always present) and a yellow band on the tail.
Voice: High-pitched, sibilant whistles tseeee.
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Habitat: Forest edges, open woodlands, open rural areas and suburbs.
Interesting Fact: These birds are seen foraging in large flocks in winter with American Robins and Northern Mockingbirds. They eat the berries of red cedar and also berries from non-native ornamentals such as Japanese honeysuckle. Red, waxy berries in the diet help form the red, waxy wing tips that give this species its name.
Scientific name: Bombycilla cedrorum
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Bombycillidae

Robert Herron

Robert Herron

Clint Sowards
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