Bird Details
Common Yellowthroat
Color: Black, Yellow
Size: 5"
Season: Year-round
Description: Plain olive-brown above. Male has a black mask bordered by a white stripe above and yellow throat below. Female is much plainer with a yellow throat. Both sexes have yellow under the tail.
Voice: Easily identified by its song wichity wichity wichity wich. Call is a harsh tchat.
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Habitat: Breed and winter in a wide variety of damp habitats with low, dense vegetation. Swamps, low-lying weedy areas, and the damp, brushy edges of woods attract them.
Interesting Fact: Brown-headed Cowbirds often lay their eggs in the nests of Common Yellowthroats; rates of parasitism reached 47% in one Michigan study. The warbler has a variety of defenses, including removal of cowbird eggs, abandonment of the nest, and construction of a new nest over the cowbird's eggs.
Scientific name: Geothlypis trichas
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Parulidae

Howard Eskin

Dave Herr
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