Bird Details
Yellow-breasted Chat
Color: Yellow
Size: 7.5"
Season: Summer
Description: A large, distinctive warbler. White spectacles and moustache stripe stand out against the yellow throat and breast. Also note the thick bill and rounded tail.
Voice: An loud, unmusical series of chirps, whistles, croaks, squeaks, and scolds with pauses in between notes. The song may include imitations of other birds like Blue Jays.
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Habitat: Dense shrubby areas such as old pastures, abandoned agricultural fields, aging clearcuts, powerline rights-of-way, streamsides, and forest clearings.
Interesting Fact: Though long considered an over-sized warbler, the Yellow-breasted Chat has recently been shown not to belong to that family after all. No one, however, at this point is quite sure where it does belong.
Scientific name: Icteria virens
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Parulidae

Ryan Brady
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