Bird Details
Savannah Sparrow
Color: Brown
Size: 5.5"
Season: Winter
Description: One of those streaky, brown sparrows. Less secretive than other sparrows and often found in small flocks. Note the yellow between the bill and eyes, an area referred to as the lore. Sometimes the breast streaks form a spot on the center of the breast.
Voice: Doesn't sing on the wintering grounds. Song is a high, buzzy tisk-tsik-tsik tsee-tsay tsavanna. Listen for its sharp chip note.
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Habitat: Grassy areas such as prairies, old fields, agricultural fields, pastures, and roadsides.
Interesting Fact: This species was named by Alexander Wilson for the town of Savannah, Georgia, where the first specimen was collected.
Scientific name: Passerculus sandwichensis
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Emberizidae

Ryan Brady

Robert Herron
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