Bird Details
Pied-billed Grebe
Color: Brown
Size: 13"
Season: Year-round
Description: Brown overall with a stubby bill and lobed toes. Sexes look alike. The bill is white with a black band during the breeding season but becomes dull yellow without a band in the winter
Voice: Courting males give throaty barks kuk kuk cow cow cowp cowp cowp.
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Habitat: Ponds and other bodies of water with emergent vegetation.
Interesting Fact: Pied-billed Grebes prefer to escape danger by diving under water rather than flying away.
Scientific name: Podilymbus podiceps
Order: Podicipediformes
Family: Podicipedidae

Adult in breeding plumage
Howard Eskin

Adult in nonbreeding plumage
Dave Herr

Ben Meadors

Nest and eggs
Allan Mueller

Adult feeding young
Ed Bustya
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