Bird Details
Red-winged Blackbird
Color: Black, Brown, Red
Size: 8.75"
Season: Year-round
Description: Male is black overall with red and yellow patches (epaulettes) on the shoulders. These colors can be concealed to some degree. Female is streaky brown overall, sometimes showing a reddish wash on the shoulder.
Voice: Song begins with liquid notes followed by a harsh, ringing, gurgling - konk la reeee.
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Habitat: Habitat generalists, breeding in a variety of freshwater habitats. They also use farmlands and the edges of woods in summer. Wintering flocks roost in wetlands with dense vegetation, and forage over wetlands, farmlands, and other open areas, includ
Interesting Fact: The Red-winged Blackbird sometimes comes into conflict with people. Large flocks of mixed blackbird species may damage crops and affect residential areas with their noisy roosts. From the traditional scarecrow to designer pesticides known as avicides, humans have attempted to control the birds. The alteration of wetlands to discourage breeding may threaten other, less abundant species. New techniques for limiting and relocating roosts and flocks may prove more effective, more humane, and less toxic. These include falcons trained to disturb roosts, noise canons to disperse flocks, and reduction of grain spillage during harvest.
Scientific name: Agelaius phoeniceus
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Icteridae

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